The week before in Ohio , a cap and gowned young man was handed a letter of reprimand instead of the diploma he had earned because his family and friends in the audience were a little too exuberant in their shout-outs. Really??!
I don't know about you but I feel like the schools got it all wrong. Let's look at the data:
- 3,030,000 kids drop out of American schools every year. That's 8,300 a day!
- 75% of crimes in the US are committed by high school drop-outs.
- A high school drop-out cannot qualify for 90% of the jobs in today's marketplace.
- Graduating high school raises a person's lifetime earnings by $260,000.
Those are some serious statistics. And you can break the numbers down even more - by ethnicity, household income, location - the overall picture does not get any better.
That's why I don't understand the school's attitude. If a child makes it - especially an 'at risk' child - why wouldn't that be celebrated?? and loudly?! I say shout it from the rooftops!! I'm sorry - the consequences do not fit the crimes here. To hold these kids responsible - to take away from their special day - in this way - is beyond petty...I mean I can't help it: are you kidding me???
My own daughter is graduating on Sunday. She started high school not quite two months after her father passed away. While I am sure our family and friends will behave with all the decorum and dignity this solemn occasion demands...I hate to think that one of her brothers could get tossed in the slammer for whooping it up when she walks!
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